This old National (primary) school was built by John Ennis of Ballinahown Court in 1863 and was remodelled by Canon Denis Reynolds in 1924. In its early years the boys and girls were taught in separate classes, but later, probably from 1924, they were amalgamated. The interior of the main building consisted of two large rooms on two floors; these were later divided by wooden partitions surmounted by glass panels, and each of the four rooms was occupied by two of the eight classes, from junior infants to sixth. This school was closed in 1982 when a new school was built. The old school was then leased for a time as a private residence before being sold by the parish and converted to provide premises for the Celtic Roots Studio.


Research and Information provided by Cathal Ô Háinle.

Bibliography of text includes: An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of County Westmeath (National Inventory

of Architectural Heritage, 2007);; Ordnance Survey Maps 1837/’38 (Westmeath, sheet 35), 1876/’79, 1912/’14; Cathal Ó Háinle, ‘St. Columcille’s Church: History, Tradition and Memory’ in A Pilgrim People: Stories from Leamonaghan Parish (Leamonaghan Parish Mil­lenium Committee, n.d.)