Ballinahown & District News – 30/11/2022

Ballinahown/Doon Social Club

Ballinahown/Doon Social Club Christmas Party takes place on Monday 5th December 2022 in Hudson Bay Hotel, Athlone. Bus leaving 6.30 from Ballinahown Community Centre.

Further details from Rosie Rohan/Julie Larkin.


Ballinahown Christmas Market

Ballinahown Community Development Committee are busy preparing for this year’s Christmas Market which will be held on Wednesday 21st December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the community carpark. Locally made Crafts, Christmas Gifts, Refreshments, Food Stalls and much more will be available on the evening. We have also learned that a very important visitor dressed in a red suit and growing a white beard will be making a special appearance.

Traders interested in taking part please email ballinahownchristmasmarket

For a full list of traders keep an eye on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Following on from the recent very successful amateur photographic competition the Development Committee have decided to launch their first community calendar which will be available to purchase at the market. Pre orders for overseas posting can be had from ballinahownchristmasmarket

Finally volunteers are being sought to steward parking arrangements for the market. If you are willing to help with car parking on the evening please contact Lorraine on 0868302261.

So mark the date in your diary and make it an evening to remember by bringing out the family to celebrate the festive season.

Doon GAA – Ken Smollen Christmas Food Appeal.

Doon GAA will be hosting the “Ken Smollen Christmas Food Appeal” again this year in Ballinahown Hall on Sunday, December 4th at 11.30am. All non-perishable foods welcome. For full list see the Doon GAA Facebook page.

Castledaly GAA

Are hosting the GOAL Mile 2022 on St. Stephens Day from 12.00pm until 2.00pm at Castledaly GAA walking track. Come along and walk, jog, stroll or run a GOALden MILE with a Smile for a good cause. It will also help to shed that extra weight gained in the lead up to Christmas


Ballinahown Sports Park AGM

Takes place on Friday 2nd December 2022 at 8.00pm in Ballinahown National School. Please come along on the night and tell us what further developments you would like to see take place in the Sports Park. Everyone welcome.


Stories from the School’s Collection

We continue with our series of stories from the “School’s Collection” an initiative undertaken in the early part of the last century (late 1930’s) by the Irish Folklore Commission with the co-operation of the Department of Education  and the Irish National Teachers Organisation. Our story this week tells us about severe snowstorm in the Ballycumber area in 1933. The story was recorded by Robert Cahill a pupil in Liss School, Boher in the late 1930’s. The story is presented as written at the time.

Sever Snowstorm

In February 1933 a severe snowstorm swept over this district.
There were snow drifts on the roads, and there were a lot of motors trapped in them. A bread can the property of Lumley & Son was trapped in a drift in Clonshanny.
It was there for three or four days and when the driver came back to it all the bread was gone.
A tramp called Paddy Doyle who frequented this district was smothered in the snow in a sand pit near Horseleap.
There were a lot of birds that died of hunger at that time.
In 1933 there was a thunderstorm and there were a lot of people killed.
There were two horses the property of people living in Ballycumber killed.

Ballinahown Development Association Lotto – Bonus Number on main Lotto Draw Saturday 26th November 2022. Winning Bonus Number: 34. No Winner.

Birthday Greetings

Belated Birthday greetings to Gerry Brazil, Clonaderig and Mike Mannion, Lackagh who celebrated birthdays recently.

Birthday greetings also to local artist Shane Turner, Doon who celebrated his birthday on Saturday 26th November and to Frank Rohan, Clonaderig who celebrated his birthday on Sunday last 27th November. Hope you all had a great day.


Progressive 25 Card Game

Continues every Thursday night in the Community Hall at 9.00pm


Ballinahown National School – Christmas Coffee Morning

Ballinahown National School celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the opening of the new school with a Coffee and Cake morning on Sunday last 27th November. The occasion was hosted by the Parents Association and all kinds of niceties were available for sale in the Community Centre.  Addressing the large attendance the School Principal Mr. Tom Keena thanked the Parents Association for putting on such a magnificent spread and also thanked past and present pupils for their ongoing support. Judging by the amount of “goodies” devoured and purchased on the day it is safe to assume the Christmas diet has taken a hammering even before it started.


Local News

Why not share your news or old photographs with our readers and brighten up their day. If you have any local news – birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries etc. or indeed old photographs we would love to hear from you. You can email us at  or call Denis on 087 6308357.



Ballinahown & District News – 25/11/2022

Ballinahown National School – Christmas Coffee Morning

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the opening of the new school in Ballinahown. To celebrate the occasion the Parents Association is hosting a Coffee Morning/Bake Sale in the Community Hall on Sunday 27th November commencing at 11.00am. Bakers and donations of baked goods appreciated. These can be dropped to the hall on Saturday 26th

between 7pm and 8pm and on Sunday morning 28th between 9.00am and 10.00am.


Ballinahown Christmas Market

Preparations are underway for this year’s Christmas Market which will be held on Wednesday 21st December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the community carpark. Locally made Crafts, Christmas Gifts, Refreshments, Food Stalls and much more will be available on the evening. We have also learned that a very important visitor dressed in a red suit and growing a white beard will be making a special appearance.

Traders interested in taking part please email ballinahownchristmasmarket

For a full list of traders keep an eye on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Following on from the recent very successful amateur photographic competition the Development Committee have decided to launch their first community calendar which will be available to purchase at the market. Pre orders for overseas posting can be had from ballinahownchristmasmarket

Finally volunteers are being sought to steward parking arrangements for the market. If you are willing to help with car parking on the evening please contact Lorraine on 0868302261.

So mark the date in your diary and make it an evening to remember by bringing out the family to celebrate the festive season.


Ballinahown/Doon Social Club

Ballinahown/Doon Social Club Christmas Party takes place on Monday 5th December 2022 in Hudson Bay Hotel, Athlone. Bus leaving 6.30 from Ballinahown Community Centre.

Further details from Rosie Rohan/Julie Larkin.


Doon GAA – Ken Smollen Christmas Food Appeal.

Doon GAA will be hosting the “Ken Smollen Christmas Food Appeal” again this year in Ballinahown Hall on Sunday, December 4th at 11.30am. All non-perishable foods welcome. For full list see the Doon GAA Facebook page.


Castledaly GAA

Are hosting the GOAL Mile 2022 on St. Stephens Day from 12.00pm until 2.00pm at Castledaly GAA walking track. Come along and walk, jog, stroll or run a GOALden MILE with a Smile for a good cause. It will also help to shed that extra weight gained in the lead up to Christmas


Local Annual General Meetings

Doon GAA: Will hold their AGM on Sunday 27th at 4.00pm in the clubhouse. Nominations for positions and motions for discussion are now closed. If you are interested in getting involved in the club you are heartily invited to attend the AGM. All welcome.

Castledaly GAA: Castledaly GAA Club AGM takes place on Sunday 27th November at 6.00pm in the Clubhouse. All welcome.

Ballinahown Sports Park: Takes place on Friday 2nd December 2022 at 8.00pm in Ballinahown National School. Please come along on the night and tell us what further developments you would like to see take place in the Sports Park. Everyone welcome.


Stories from the School’s Collection

We continue with our series of stories from the “School’s Collection” an initiative undertaken in the early part of the last century (late 1930’s) by the Irish Folklore Commission with the co-operation of the Department of Education  and the Irish National Teachers Organisation. Our story this week tells us about local monuments Lemanaghan, Ballycumber. The story was recorded by Máire Ní Chuinn, Ballydaly and a pupil in Lemanaghan School in the late 1930’s. The story was told to her by John Egan, Coole, Ferbane.

The story is presented as written at the time.

Local Monuments

There is a stone in Cantwell Street, Kilcolgan, in the Parish of Ferbane, Offaly. There is the track of a man’s foot in the stone. Tradition says that there is where the church was from which the townland of Kilcolgan got is name.
There is a standing stone in Ballylin, in the parish of Ferbane, Offaly. It is shaped like a man’s head and body. There is a peculiar stone in Kilrehan in memory of the dead. There is a compass and two knees crossed and three of the family of the King’s of Ballylin are buried there.


The Castle of Kilcolgan.


The Kilcolgan castle was built in the year of 1649; and it was burnt the same year. One of the Mac Coughlans turned protestant as no catholic could be owner of property that time. Sooner than let the brother who turned protestant occupy the court the rightful heir set fire to the court. When his brother came in sight of it the flames were reaching the sky. The court is surrounded by the Garrison wall twenty feet high by three feet thick. There are four turrets and gun holes a perch apart and three feet in width. There is another castle beside it named Caislean Dubh and nobody knows who lived in it and nobody who build it. Owen Roe O’Neill spent one night in it on his way to the battle of Benburb.


Ballinahown Development Association Lotto – Bonus Number on main Lotto Draw Saturday 12th November 2022. Winning Bonus Number:18 .Winner: Oliver Maloney, Clonfanlough..


Local News

Why not share your news or old photographs with our readers and brighten up their day. If you have any local news – birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries etc. or indeed old photographs we would love to hear from you. You can email us at  or call Denis on 087 6308357.


Ballinahown & District News – 18/11/2022

Ballinahown National School

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the opening of the new school in Ballinahown. To celebrate the occasion the Parents Association is hosting a Coffee Morning/Bake Sale in the Community Hall on Sunday 27th November commencing at 11.00am. Come along and renew old acquaintances and maybe even create new ones.


Ballinahown Christmas Market

Preparations are underway for this year’s Christmas Market which will be held on Wednesday 21st December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the community carpark. Locally made Crafts, Christmas Gifts, Refreshments, Food Stalls and much more will be available on the evening. We have also learned that a very important visitor dressed in a red suit and growing a white beard will be making a special appearance.

Traders interested in taking part please email ballinahownchristmasmarket

For a full list of traders keep an eye on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Following on from the recent very successful amateur photographic competition the Development Committee have decided to launch their first community calendar which will be available to purchase at the market. Pre orders for overseas posting can be had from ballinahownchristmasmarket

Finally volunteers are being sought to steward parking arrangements for the market. If you are willing to help with car parking on the evening please contact Lorraine on 0868302261.

So mark the date in your diary and make it an evening to remember by bringing out the family to celebrate the festive season.


Doon GAA

Will hold their AGM on Sunday 27th at 4.00pm in the clubhouse. Nominations for positions and motions for discussion are now closed. If you are interested in getting involved in the club you are heartily invited to attend the AGM.

Doon GAA will be hosting the “Ken Smollen Christmas Food Appeal” again this year in Ballinahown Hall on Sunday, December 4th at 11.30am. All non-perishable foods welcome. For full list see the Doon GAA Facebook page.


Stories from the School’s Collection

We continue with our series of stories from the “School’s Collection” an initiative undertaken in the early part of the last century (late 1930’s) by the Irish Folklore Commission with the co-operation of the Department of Education  and the Irish National Teachers Organisation. Our story this week tells us about local heroes in Ballycumber. The story was recorded by Robert Cahill, The Island, who was a pupil in Liss School in the late 1930’s. The story was told to him by a Mr P. Kelly, Ballycumber and is presented as written at the time.

Local Heroes

John and Henry Sheares were both born in the village of Ballycumber. At an early age they were taken by their parent to Dublin to be educated as lawyers. They defended successfully five of the leading United Irishmen about the year 1796. After this they induced the two brothers to join their ranks.
They were very capable men and soon had a large number of men drilled and equipped under their command.
They were great friends of a man named Armstrong who was born in Castletown Ballycumber and was a Captain in the Kings yeomen. This man was a spy in the pay of the government.
On his information the Sheares were arrested. At the trial the evidence failed as a paper that would prove the guilt of the Sheares could not be found though the house was raided. Armstrong went to the house and professed to be trying to help the Sheares, and he said that unless a certain paper could be found, the Sheares would surely be hanged.
The woman directed him to a secret drawers but after a search he failed to find it. The woman then searched and found it. Armstrong in a great glee rushed off to the court where on his evidence the Sheares were convicted. They were hanged, drawn, and quartered the next day.
On Armstrong’s tomb, in Liss graveyard, the sun is said to never shine and on it is inscribed. “The Saviour of Ireland”.

Ballinahown Development Association Lotto – Bonus Number on main Lotto Draw Saturday 12th November 2022. Winning Bonus Number: 47. No Winner this week.


Castleday GAA

Castledaly GAA Club AGM takes place on Sunday 27th November at 6.00pm in the Clubhouse. All welcome.

The club are hosting the GOAL Mile 2022 on St. Stephens Day from 12 noon until 2pm at Castledaly GAA walking track. Come along and walk, jog, stroll or run a GOALden MILE with a Smile for a good cause. It will also help to shed that extra weight gained in the lead up to Christmas.



The death has occurred of James (Jim) O’Meara, Coroe, Ballycumber, Offaly / Rathcabbin, Tipperary

Jim died suddenly but peacefully at his home on the 7th November, surrounded by his family. He will be sadly missed by his devoted wife Anne, his daughters, Helen Rosney, Thérése (Caltra, Galway) Joan (Tang, Westmeath) Karen and Emer, his adored grandchildren, Kayla, Jade, Luke, Mark, Jimmy, Jack, Charlie and Bobby. His sons-in-law Stephen, Paddy, Des, Keir, Kieran and those who are like the sons he never had, Alan (Aka Billy) and Glen, his sisters Jo Duignan (Banagher, Offaly), Jane Devlin (Northern Ireland) and Maree Noone (London) his nephews, nieces, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, extended family, neighbours and wonderful friends.

Jim reposed at his home on Tuesday, 8th November and on Wednesday from 4pm, with Rosary at 8pm. Removal took place on Thursday morning to St Manchan’s Church, Boher for funeral mass at 11.00am with interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.


Ballinahown Sports Park AGM

Takes place on Friday 2nd December 2022 at 8.00pm in Ballinahown National School. Please come along on the night and tell us what further developments you would like to see take place in the Sports Park. All welcome.


Local News

Why not share your news or old photographs with our readers and brighten up their day. If you have any local news – birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries etc. or indeed old photographs we would love to hear from you. You can email us at  or call Denis on 087 6308357.



Ballinahown & District News – 11/11/2022

Stories from the School’s Collection

We continue with our series of stories from the “School’s Collection” an initiative undertaken in the early part of the last century (late 1930’s) by the Irish Folklore Commission with the co-operation of the Department of Education  and the Irish National Teachers Organisation. Our story this week tells us about an eviction fight that took place near Clonmacnoise. The story was recorded by Tessie Norton, Tullaghbeg who was a pupil in Clonmacnoise School in the late 1930’s and was told to her by her father Pat Norton. The story is presented as written at the time.

An Eviction fight.
About sixty years ago soldiers called the Black-Artillary passed through Clonfanlough and came to Clonmacnoise, on their way to Black-water to evict some people. When they came to a hill called Tulla Hill all the boys and young girls of the district stopped them there. At that time they used to fight with blackthorn sticks with very big nobs on them. When the soldiers came to there, all the boys and girls stopped them and bet them back and made them eat the processes and all the people got free of the rent that year. Some say the men were afraid to face the soldiers alone and that is why the women went out also to fight. They used sticks and big rocks and blocked the roads with ash trees and they cut the roads in several places. So the soldiers had to go through the fields and bring their horses and waggons with them. In their retreat some of them got stuck in the bog and were nearly lost. There are many of the men and women still alive who were in this great fight.


Ballinahown Development Association Lotto – Bonus Number on main Lotto Draw Saturday 5th November 2022. Winning Bonus Number: 25. Winner: Rosie Rohan, Ballinahown.


Local Obituaries

The death has occurred Francis DolanKilgarvan, Fardrum, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, formerly Lowtown, Ballydangan, Co. Roscommon, on November 6th 2022, peacefully, in the wonderful care of the staff at Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore, surrounded by his family. Predeceased by his son David, granddaughter Mary Kate, sister Mary and brothers Patrick, James and Michael. Deeply regretted by his loving wife Ina, sons Patrick, Michael and Francis, daughters Mary, Anne (Caulfield) and Deirdre (Sheehan), daughters-in-law Dympna, Ciara and Olga, sons-in-law Enda and Eoin, his 17 adored grandchildren, brother Bernard, sisters Delia (Carty) and Teresa (Flynn), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and many friends.

Francis reposed at Flynn’s Funeral Home, Moate on Tuesday 8th November with removal afterwards at 6.30pm to St. Colmcilles Church, Ballinahown arriving at 7.30pm. Funeral Mass of the Resurrection took on Wednesday 9th at 11.00am with interment afterwards in Clonmacnoise Cemetery.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam


Ballinahown Christmas Market

Preparations are underway for this year’s Christmas Market which will be held on Wednesday 21st December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the community carpark. Locally made Crafts, Christmas Gifts, Refreshments, Food Stalls and much more will be available on the evening. We have also learned that a very important visitor dressed in a red suit and growing a white beard will be making a special appearance.

Traders interested in taking part please email ballinahownchristmasmarket

So mark the date in your diary and make it an evening to remember by bringing out the family to celebrate the festive season.


Castledaly GAA – GOAL Walk St. Stephens Day

GOAL Mile 2022 St. Stephens Day 12 noon until 2pm at Castledaly GAA walking track. All welcome to walk jog stroll amble run a GOALden MILE with a Smile for a good cause.


Gardening Tips for November

In the Fruit & Veg Garden

  1. Turnips, beetroot, swedes, leeks, winter cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, hardy carrot varieties and parsnips can all stay in the ground in November and be harvested as required
  2. Support top heavy Brussel Sprouts to protect from wind damage
  3. By this point all other vegetables should be harvested
  4. You can sow broad beans and peas directly outdoors in the month of November. A good variety to choose would be the broad bean Aguadulce and Pea Douce Provence
  5. If the weather is suitably dry you can start preparing your vegetable garden for next Spring. Dig over, add manure and allow to settle over the Winter months
  6. November is a good month for sowing garlic cloves
  7. Cover over rows with frost fleece mini tunnels, keeping the ends open for good ventilation
  8. Set up a windblock or screen around your vegetable plot over the Winter months


Plant Care

  1. Hardwood cuttings can be taken in November. Choose 1 or 2 year old stems of woody plants to make good cuttings
  2. Continue to sow your Spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips & snowdrops
  3. Mulch up around the base of all tender plants to keep them insulated over the Winter months. Plants such as phormiums, fatsia, yuccas, tree ferns and choisya are all susceptible to frost and will require protection
  4. Use frost fleece blankets to cover and insulate your most tender and treasured plants
  5. Continue to plant bareroot hedging over the month. This work can continue all Winter so long as the ground is not frozen
  6. You can also plant a range of other plants including bare root roses and a whole host of other containerised plants

Lawn Care


  1. Keep off your lawn in wet and frosty conditions
  2. Still time to aerate your lawn so long as conditions remain suitably dry
  3. Don’t allow leaves to build up on lawns to prevent bare patches on your lawn


General Maintenance

  1. When leaves have faded on young beech hedging plants you can spray the soil underneath them to kill weeds
  2. Continue to feed your wild garden birds with a mixture of feeds from sunflower seeds to fat balls or suet feeds
  3. Now is a good time to review your garden and decide what to plant and what improvements can be made over the coming year
  4. As you put away your garden tools for the Winter months be sure to give them some much needed TLC by cleaning, oiling, sanding & sharpening as required
  5. Continue to rake up fallen leaves and create a leaf mulch compost area for rich humus compost for next Summer


Local News

Why not share your news or old photographs with our readers and brighten up their day. If you have any local news – birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries etc. or indeed old photographs we would love to hear from you. You can email us at  or call Denis on 087 6308357.




Ballinahown & District News – 04/11/2022


Ballinahown Village – Tidy Towns Winners

Hearty congratulations to everyone involved with Ballinahown Development Committee who took first prize (Co. Westmeath) in the Super Value Tidy Towns Competition 2022 announced on Friday last 28th October. Ballinahown scored 356 points – up 12 points on their 2021 result and achieving a silver medal in the overall competition – see separate report in this newspaper.


Stories from the School’s Collection

We continue with our series of stories from the “School’s Collection” an initiative undertaken in the early part of the last century (late 1930’s) by the Irish Folklore Commission with the co-operation of the Department of Education  and the Irish National Teachers Organisation. Our story this week tells us about an eviction fight that took place near Clonmacnoise. The story was recorded by Tessie Norton, Tullaghbeg who was a pupil in Clonmacnoise School in the late 1930’s and was told to her by her father Pat Norton. The story is presented as written at the time.

An Eviction fight.
About sixty years ago soldiers called the Black-Artillary passed through Clonfanlough and came to Clonmacnois, on their way to Black-water to evict some people. When they came to a hill called Tulla Hill all the boys and young girls of the district stopped them there. At that time they used to fight with blackthorn sticks with very big nobs on them. When they soldiers came to there, all the boys and girls stopped them and bet them back and made them eat the processes and all the people got free of the rent that year. Some say the men were afraid to face the soldiers alone and that is why the wemen went out also to fight. They used sticks and big rocks and blocked the roads with ash trees and they cut the roads in several places. So the soldiers had to go through the fields and bring their horses and waggons with them. In their retreat some of them got stuck in the bog and were nearly lost. There are many of the men and women still alive who were in this great fight.


Ballinahown Development Association Lotto – Bonus Number on main Lotto Draw Saturday 29th October 2022. Winning Bonus Number: 10. Winner: Luke Kelly, Clonaderig.


Ballinahown Christmas Market

Preparations are underway for this year’s Christmas Market in the village which will be held on Wednesday 21st December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the community carpark. Locally made Crafts, Christmas Gifts, Refreshments, Food Stalls and much more will be available on the evening. We have also learned that a very important visitor dressed in a red suit and growing a white beard will be making a special appearance.

Traders interested in taking part please email ballinahownchristmasmarket

So mark the date in your diary and make it an evening to remember by bringing out the family to celebrate the festive season.



The death has occurred of Mary (Molly) Devery (née Guinan), Rashina, Ballinahown, Athlone, Co. Offaly.

Mary died on October 29th 2022, peacefully at home with her family, in her 92nd year. She is fondly known as Molly, was a native of Sragh, Leamonaghan and was predeceased by her beloved sisters, Sr. Anne (Phyllis) and Rose (Flynn).

Molly will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by her loving husband Kieran, sons Pat and Ger, daughter-in-law Geraldine, grandson Damien, granddaughter Jennifer, brother Pat, sisters Kit (Maxwell), Isey (Flynn), Loretta (Fleming) and Cora (Heffernan), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.

Molly reposed at her home on Monday Oct. 31st  from 3pm to 8pm with removal taking place  on Tuesday morning Nov. 1st  to St. Colmcille’s Church, Ballinahown, where her Funeral Mass was celebrated at 11am. with interment afterwards in Boher Cemetery.


Birthday Greetings

Belated Happy Birthday to Con Fitzpatrick, Bloomhill who celebrated his 93rd birthday on October 9th. Our local news reporter was only made aware of this earlier this week and tells us Con is only recently back from Lanzarote where he was successful in topping up his tan. We understand he also enjoyed the water park while there.  We wish Con many more birthdays and trips to  Lanzarote.


This week’s Quote

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon (born John Winston Lennon; 9th October 1940 – 8th December 1980) was an English singer, songwriter, musician and peace activist who achieved worldwide fame as the founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of the Beatles. Lennon was characterised by the rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, writing and drawings, on film, and in interviews. His song writing partnership with Paul McCartney remains the most successful in history.


Local News

Why not share your news or old photographs with our readers and brighten up their day. If you have any local news – birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries etc. or indeed old photographs we would love to hear from you. You can email us at  or call Denis on 087 6308357.